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Not Masking the Baseboard
Even if you’re a super-neat painter and can brush a perfectly straight line without any masking tape, you should still mask off the baseboards. Otherwise you’re sure to have paint splatters (or worse) all over them.
You don’t have to completely cover the baseboard. A strip of 1-1/2-in. or 2-in tape, left sticking out like a little roof, is all you need to catch the spatter.
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Skipping the Prep Work
There’s no doubt that washing, patching, caulking and sanding are tedious and time consuming tasks. But there’s no substitute for good prep work if you want a great-looking paint job.
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Painting From the Can
It’s tempting to paint straight from the gallon can as it’s one less thing to clean up. But it’s a mistake for several reasons. A full gallon is heavy, and if you spill it, you’ll have a big cleanup job.
Always transfer a small amount of paint to another container, and paint from that. And while you’re at it, it’s a good idea to strain the paint to remove lumps and impurities.